Tough As Nails

Tough As Nails


Crash with most recent 1.10.2 release?

Roenais opened this issue · 9 comments


My game crashes on load when using the newest version of Tougher than Nails for minecraft 1.10.2. Going back to the previous version of the mod seems to work fine.

Crash Log:


You need to install Glitch Core. It's listed in the dependencies on CurseForge (as well as the changelog, and on Twitter). Here's a link:


there are no dependancies listed on curseforge, as far as i can see. but thankyou for letting me know!


Curse puts them at bottom of the individual file’s download page. A bit hard to see sadly, but it is indeed there


Why does the mod not state GlitchCore as a dependency itself? It would give a proper error screen instead of an unhelpful crash.


It's not possible because depending on the version of the game, a different version of GlitchCore is required. We can possibly customize the crash to be clearer but we can't use Forge's existing dependency screen as far as I know.


You dont need to supply a version though. Just saying the mod is requirdled is an improvement.


I guess, although it does mean similar crashes may occur in the future when we depend on higher versions of GlitchCore


@Adubbz you can just add it to the dependencies in the @mod annotation without a version range, and it will work as needed if no instance of glitchcore is found.
Obviously, you won't be able throw an exception based on an unsupported version of glitchcore being loaded (since a dependant mod can't see into the future), but atleast it will be more informative if a user hasn't loaded glitchcore at all.

    dependencies = "required-after:forge@[,), required-after:glitchcore"

The same can be done with your other mods that also depend on glitchcore.


Yeah I think that's what I'll go with then. Worst case scenario we'll just ditch GlitchCore and go back to supporting 1.12 only with no dependencies, but it's something I've wanted to try for awhile so it is worth a shot.