Tough As Nails

Tough As Nails


[questions][suggestion] heat range for blocks, max min values for armor temp changes.

winsrp opened this issue ยท 0 comments


So I saw on the config you can set the heat amount a block provides, but what about the range? do you need to be next to the block to get heat? is the heat level also the range, so a heat of 5, is 5 is you are next to, 4 if you are 1 block away, 3 if 2 blocks away etc etc... ?

Could you have a range value for the temp of a block in config?

Also how does the armor modifier value works?

Is the modifier in the armor_temp config file, a value that will move my temp to the balance point, or is it something that will always keep me going in that temp direction, for example

If I wear wool armor, does it takes my temp to the balance point on cold weather, and stops at balance say 37cels? or is that values something that fights the enviroment value, for example, current block I'm stepping has a value of -7 but my wool armor has +1 so I still get -6?, also is wearing the full armor set something that gives me +1 for each piece I have on? so helmet +1 chest +1 leggings +1 boots +1, for a total of +4 for full set but on cold weather I would still get -3?

So instead of the fighting method I would just use mins and max to define what armor can do, and it will just average the mins and the max of the pieces you are wearing, the modifier is just how to move the temp up or down if you are wearing an armor piece, here an example:

  1. So I go into the cold tundra butt naked,
  2. my default protection for each armor slot currently are min 0c = frozen, and max 50c = boiling, also modifier for each slot is 0,
  3. the average is min 0c/max 50c/mod 0 (the average modifier will tell the game how much to move the values to the min or max temp, either up or down, no need to specify positive or negative values here)
  4. outside temp is -20c (lets assume all outside temp, change my body temp at each update by 3c either up or down based on biome)
  5. since my modifier is 0 the outside temp takes control of my body temp, and starts going down, I'm at 5c, I'm about to die
  6. I craft now 2 wool armor pieces, the values for each armor are min 37, max 50, mod 4 (these could even vary by item, having the chest give you more heat with a higher mod value for example), and I put them on
  7. the game calculates the new average values of my protection, min =(0+0+37+37) /4, max = (50+50+50+50)/4, mod = (0+0+4+4)/4, new values are min 18.5c max 50c mod 2
    8), since now I have a modifier value of 2, and my new min temp is 18.5, the games does the following check, is my current temp lower than min?... this returns yes, so temp goes up by mod value... this is 5c+2c my new temp is now 7c, and it will going up until I reach the min, if my current temp is equal or higher than min then the game does the next check, is mod different than 0, and outside temp is lower than min, true, then do nothing.
  8. lets say I go to a desert while wearing the same 2 pieces of armor, but the change is from tundra to desert, so my body temp just got to the min 18.5c.
  9. the second check of step 8 now returns false... my temp is equal to min, but outside temp is now really hot say 45c
  10. the game now keeps pulling my temp up to the higher limits of my average, which is 50, but this time it does it by outside temp change 3c plus my modifier which is 2c, so it starts going up by 5c each update, so first update on desert is 18.5c+5c = 23.5c temp starts to go really fast up, wearing hot wool armor in hot weather is not a great idea.
  11. once the game reaches the outside temp of 45, it will just keep going up to 50 by the average modifier amount of 2c.

sorry for the long example, but I love this mods and would like to improve the way it work to be more flexible with other mods as well.

Thanks for your time reading this.