Tough As Nails

Tough As Nails


[suggestions] documentation on configurations and settings and more tweakability, plus some other features

Darkmega18 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


I'd like to request that configuration documentation be added to the wiki for the pack makers wanting to tinker with configs and add compatibility.

Further, from this I'd like to find out what kind of changes I can apply in configs to do some things with it. like potentially providing armor the ability to provide shielding, not just direct warmth or coldness through several settings like:
Temperature: already there, but direct temperature up and down like you seem to have but it's kind of basic...
Cold/hot Temperature resistance: ignoring the equilibrium value that the temperature ticks towards and armor inherent armor bonuses, having resistance allows each piece of a type of armor to effectively "block X amount of cold/hot temperature environment modifiers". This effectively makes it so if leather armor could nullify 1 cold weather temp per piece, with all 4 as leather in say a -5 temperature biome, you'd only have -1 affecting you. This value can't spill over however. so if you have only -2 cold, cold will effectively be zeroed out. But thats what temperature number is for. it can apply a direct modifier to armors that are inherently warm or cold based on material or choice of the configurer, but you can then make less realistic armors like suits with energyshields and such provide defense from elements without having to micromanage exact temperature numbers.
Rate change: This allows you to set an armor to increase or decrease the amount of rate modifier placed onto the tickrate of temperature change. pretty simple. So if your rate is base 800. the armor can be made so that it brings the rate up by a few hundred to make temperature effects take hold slower or an armor could bring it down further so say you could put it on to rapidly warm or cold yourself in an area.
Block Water: a 25% effect per piece of armor that blocks the wet modifier from being in liquids/water. but if wearing all parts water blocking the water temp tickrate modifier doesn't take effect at all.
Block Weather: same effect as the block water config, but towards weather modifiers if you have them, like snowing/raining.

Within the base mod as a feature I'd also like possibly a way of having hydration playing a part in keeping you cool by consuming water faster when heat gets into the more dangerous areas to slow the rate and the temperature of overheating.
on the same vein having the ability for the player to consume food faster to warm up in the cold extremity to self regulate easier would be nice when getting below certain amounts.

Please consider these, thanks.