Can't drink with hand
sharlin073 opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Bug Report
What's the issue you encountered?
[ Right clicked on the water source block, nothing happens ]
How can the issue be reproduced?
[ I just opened minecraft with appleskin, jei, TAN loaded, and tried to drink from the water source block ]
[ Here's the log: https://gist.github.com/sharlin073/7c98cdd85aabc9159ef8cac08b671a3c ]
Mod Version
[ Latest, with forge 36.0.22 ]
I believe I enabled it in the world config, and moved it to default config folder, and then made a world again, but it seems like it does not work...well, I'll try again
You aren't supposed to move anything. The config in the world folder needs to stay there, because that's how server-side configs work.
I mean, the config file is still there. But if I move(I mean copy) it to the default config folder and start a new world, it will automatically apply to a new world if I'm understanding it correctly. So, the config file there still shows:
#Enable or disable thirst.
enable_thirst = true
#Enable or disable hand drinking.
enable_hand_drinking = true
However, it does not work and I'm not sure why... that's why I added the whole log
There's nothing wrong with the location of the file.