Tough As Nails

Tough As Nails


ATM 6 V1.16.5 90-100% CPU Load

SpartaWarsec opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Bug Report

What's the issue you encountered?

Problem on server ...... 90-100% CPU load.

How can the issue be reproduced?

install the mod ... nothing else .... remove the mod cpu load normal on 4-5 %


[ Please include any relevant logs here. This can be done by dragging and dropping your log files into the issue. ]

Mod Version

[ ToughAsNails-1.12.2- ]


the server is for 20 people I had to see that it is running again ... I can see if I play it on a test server and send you another log or if I send you all of the logs from last night from this morning


You say you have nothing else installed, whilst listing ATM 6 in the title which contains a massive amount of other mods. Furthermore, you haven't included any logs, and you've listed the 1.12 version of Tough As Nails despite having 1.16.5 in the issue title...


You're running a massive modpack with like 300+ mods...That's not "nothing else". Also there's nothing in Tough As Nails specifically that would cause more CPU usage than half of the other mods in the modpack.