Tough As Nails

Tough As Nails


Tone down the temperature and thrist system

babacon88 opened this issue ยท 6 comments



its getting too hot/cold too quickly
standing next to lava/campfire inside your house often doesn't help
staying outside in desert kills you in less than a min
its annoying to have to wear wool inside your house with a campfire
I drink water multiple times every time, much more than I have to eat and its not normal
There should be better debuffs to freezing/overheating instead of insta kill because you stand outside of the rain.

Why would this feature be useful?

I cannot just stay inside when it rains/ stand next to campfire half of the time I just want to play the game.


It already was toned down a lot in 1.18. If you're using an earlier version, we don't support those anymore


Head and cold is still overpowered, needs more fixes


Nether completely borked due to how intense the system is. Unplayable. Can't even get blaze rods or netherite.


Direct sun is one thing but I shouldn't have to take heat damage when being indoors / in shade. Instead there should be a debuff midway between normal temp and hyperthermia, like fatigue or increased thirst.


The temp system needs some adjustment. i've also experiences freezing to death next to a normal campfire while indoors. even with a set of wool on.


Closing this since vanilla biome temperatures are now more appropriate in 1.20.4, and overall I feel like the temperature system is a good place.