Tough As Nails

Tough As Nails


Error feedback

5igm opened this issue ยท 2 comments


[00:49:45] [main/ERROR] [ToughAsNails Transformer/]: Unexpected hash dad1f56eb011146ed6a7f74adc67e3e0 detected for class BlockCrops. Crashes or bugs may occur!
[00:49:46] [main/ERROR] [ToughAsNails Transformer/]: Unexpected hash a08b2fe39752f14a2f5ea0762bf9e25c detected for class World. Crashes or bugs may occur!


Forge version is "forge-1.10.2-".
My server is spongeforge server.


This is not a bug with TAN. This is simply informing you that another mod besides TAN has altered the files that TAN alters, and in this case it is likely SpongeForge. We will never be able to guarantee compatibility with any mod that alters these things.