Touhou Little Maid

Touhou Little Maid


missing item

sophienix opened this issue ยท 5 comments


i can find the maid interaction hud item i think thats what its called its a item that lets them put items in chests is this a bug or did it get removed cause i cant find it in jei this is the last issue i had


In the latest version, an bauble is designed to let the maid input/output items in the chest


also if you add this to serv tech ages and use farming mode it give you free wooden gears if they break hemp

I designed a configuration file to fix this kind of bug, you only need to modify this file


It is removed due to a item duplication bug.


ah ok that sucks couldn't you guys fix it? if not then what version it it in cause i need it cause the maids keep on planting sugar cane and getting lost cause of it


also if you add this to serv tech ages and use farming mode it give you free wooden gears if they break hemp