[New Hostile Mob Idea] Zombie Maid Fairy
cyliamargatroid opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Zombie Fairies aren't really zombies, they are Ghost,
Ref - https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Zombie_Fairy
A Zombie Maid Fairies aren't actually undead, they are Spectral Fairies found rarely in the nether, if a Normal Maid fairy ends up in a nether, she'll slowly transform into a Zombie Maid Fairy, just like how Piglins turns into Zombified Piglins outside of Nether
A Zombie Maid Fairy has a Firing frequency amped to 0.25% and is a little harder than the regular Maid Fairy, and if killed can drop some Power points. Zombie Maid Fairies are immune to fire however.