Structure idea - Maid Cafe
cyliamargatroid opened this issue ยท 0 comments
Maid Cafe
They are incredibly rare found in villages, where a Maid where it has bed for it to sleep in, is generated in there, without their ability to open doors until it is tamed. In one of the chests, it often has food generated, sometimes Power Points. Unlike how they're generated in Pillager outpost (Representing being kidnapped), they are found living in the cafe. if a Maid is out of the cafe, they run back into their homes. The chance is extremely rare if an Allay is generated in it.
Abandoned Maid Cafe
It is generated uncommonly, it has Fairy Maids (3 or more) and Zombies or Skeletons (Rarely) (It represents monsters being serviced by those cute fairy monsters) generated inside without their ability to despawn. it somehow has vines growing in the abandoned cafe.
Hint: these structures are only made of vanilla blocks. it also has a bonus integration that it has waystone if waystone is installed, or Pokemon PC and Healing machine if Cobblemon is installed.