Touhou Origins

Touhou Origins


Sprites for Tsukumogami objects

Eagletanker opened this issue ยท 12 comments


More of a question then a bug/request, but do you need sprites for the Tsukumogami objects? I can whip somethin up if you do (no promises on timing though.)


i've never considered the possibility of adding custom textures but i'm not opposed to it either, as long as they're thematic to vanilla minecraft's textures, looks like something from touhou lore, and others like how the sprites look i think it can be a nice idea.


Okay, update on the sprites.

The draft of the lantern is done, I'm working on the masks right now.

I'm a bit confused as to what the Fukuro is supposed represent, and I can't really find any pictures aside from some anime and a picture of a bag badger. (Fukuro mujina)
Could you provide a bit more reference in this case?


its intentionally vauge and just meant to iust be a container. though in Minecraft terms its probably best to represent it as something more akin to a chest or a crate of some sort (any blocky container) since its supposed to fit on a player's head when wearing it.

EX fukuro is the same, just its container has implications of being connected to gaps and/or the end.

I'd love to see the draft of the lantern so far if you dont mind posting it :)


bigger version



For the masks I got two versions, a 32x32 and a 16x16. I did 32x32 cause I don't think 16x16 looked very good for them, and I figure it's just gonna get put into a corner of the inventory and brought out only occasionally.

Two versions of the lanterns, one with eyes and one without. (I did the eyes on a whim)


Yeah, I'll play around with the lantern color then.

On the mask of hope, I don't actually know what it looks like in canon, but there's a seeming theme in fanart for miko's handmade mask. I wasn't happy with the eyes and mouth of it though when actually drawing it out, so I changed it to a old internet meme that I felt was in line with the gag-like role of the mask.


with background for extra visability




Top from left to right: Fukuro, Karakasa, Chochin (With Eyes), Lantern (Chochin without eyes)

Bottom from left to right: Fuku no Kami, Uba, Kitsune, Mask of Hope


these are pretty nice! the mask of hope is a bit too silly for the mod's theme but luckily there is no mask of hope in the mod so no problem there :p the only real criticism i have is the lantern has a really flat color. i might tweak it a bit before adding it, unless you're willing ^^


Sorry for this taking longer than it really should be taking. It is being worked on! (slowly)



Two options for less flat lantern colors. I prefer the top one over the bottom one tbh. The Fukuro in it's non ender state was a pain in the ass to figure out the colors for because the default minecraft chest colors are uggo. Ended up just going with the default colors though as I don't think I could really communicate it being a normal minecraft chest without doing so. I'll probably fiddle around with it more and try to make it fit on the player head instead of it's current 2d only image. (I know you guys dont need the mask of hope but I'm too proud of it to delete it from my current canvas.)

(it would be a funny item to have in the world that the menreiki can find just sayin)