


incompatibility of traincraft and railcraft rails

Raffo15 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Good morning everyone,
I am writing to point out the fact that many Traincraft models have problems running on special Railcraft rails. On my server I use them as sensors in some particular points for signaling, placing them in the middle of the traincraft tracks. With the latest update only locomotives are able to cross them, and many carriages or wagons stop before them as if they do not detect the track.
what can I do? do I need to change the type of sensor? it would be a big job for me because I would have to modify many routes on the map


just to be sure, when you say the latest version, do you mean from curseforge, or the build artifacts from here on git?

I remember this issue being brought up before and, I may be wrong, but I think there were fixes for it already in place on git.
Here's a shortcut link for the latest build artifact if you want to test that, assuming you haven't already. If this is the version you meant, I apologize for the misunderstanding.


Hi, I mean the curseforge version "4.4.1_020-CE_7.1". I think is the latest on curseforge.