Minecraft crash after starting TC Map with Railway and placed trains
Br1ckM4k3r opened this issue ยท 4 comments
I started building a Treincraft Map with big railway and stations but suddenly after some time every new map keeps crashing after starting with Traincraft 7.1 Hotfix. When i delete Traincarft the Map starts normal. Maybe other Mods. I have on the Map: Buildcraft, Carpenters. Computer Craft, Custom NCP, Dipo Money, Enchanting Plus, GraveStone, Immersive Engineering, JourneyMap, LandOfSignals, MalisisDoors, MC Flight Sim, Furniture, NotEnghItems, Project Red, Railcraft, SecurityCraft, Vending Block, Vending Machines. WordEdit.
Minecraft Exit-code -1073741819
Pls. Help i LOVE this Mod since the first 1.4.7 Version i Want to Build a Big Map Big Cities and importand Big Railway.
From what I can find, similar error codes tend to be graphics related.
Even reports of it in vanilla.
I'd start by trying to add neodymium to the pack, and if that doesn't get it running, try disabling any overlays.
Can you provide a crash log?
There will be logs folders in the install directory of the game/modpack.
Exit code doesn't say much, but the log would show a stack trace so we can find/fix the exact problem.
Unfortunately there isnt any crash log for this crash thats the Bigest Problem. MC just Closes with the Exit-code and just doesnt create a crash log. And no Crash-Reports folder.