Unable to Sneak to go down Travel Anchors in 'Elevator' mode if Sneak is bound to Equipment Compare's keybind
MuteTiefling opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Mod in question: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/equipment-compare
When the Show Comparison Tooltip
function is bound to shift, your elevators no longer go down. Only up.
Changing the keybind to something else allows your mod to work again.
I'm reporting this to both mods as I have no idea where the break is. I will note that elevators from the Open Block Elevator port have no such issue.
Mod Versions:
@Darkere the field names says nothing about the actual key. It's just mojang naming stuff weirdly. It will use the sneak key binding, no matter what it is bound to.
public final KeyMapping keyShift = new ToggleKeyMapping("key.sneak",
omg.... sorry I didn't think to actually check it.
I've updated Equipment Compare with a fix for this issue. It seemed to be some sort of issue with Forge's keybind conflict resolution not functioning as expected with modifier keys. At least, that's as much as I can tell.
In any case, the issue is resolved.
Please also keep in mind that there are plenty of people that rebind sneaking to a different key.