travel anchors render issues
Old-Man-D opened this issue ยท 3 comments
When I hold the teleportation staff, travel anchors become invisible. They also do not show any text from their names, nor do they appear through walls. I have to guess where they are to try and teleport to them.
I am playing ATM8, using mod version 1.19.2-4.1.2. I also disabled rubidium, oculus, and all rubidium addons thinking it may have influenced this, but it made no difference. the screenshots are with all these extra mods disabled.
I need to add more information. I play on two computers, and it turns out the other computer does not have this issue. This other computer has rubidium + oculus, plus all the addons it would normally have, and does have shaders turned on. that computer displays both the names and renders the block appropriately. It makes me wonder if this is something on the GPU side or something, that computer has a proper gaming card (2060), while my other computer has a workstation GPU (quadro P400).
I have tracked down the cause of this. It is caused by some kind of interaction with the tempad mod. terrarium-earth/Tempad#44