![Traveler's Backpack [Fabric]](https://media.forgecdn.net/avatars/thumbnails/623/756/256/256/638018179443585069_animated.gif)
Bug With Backpack Buffs
TheFirstHoneyBadger opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Forge Version ( 47.2.16 ) \ Mod Version ( 1.20.1-9.1.11 ) \ ModPack : All the Mods 9 ( 0.2.31 )
Item: Squid Traveler's BackPack (Traveler's Backpack Mod)
The Bug : the buffs keeps active even when I disable de backpack ability, remove the backpack, drink milk or leave water.
Write steps to reproduce the bug: I Activated the backpack ability oce and the buffs nerver fades
What is expected behaviour: Nightvision and Waterbreathing all the time