Back pack bug
SirDante94 opened this issue · 5 comments
1.18.2-Forge-40.2.1 TravelersBackpack-1.18.2-7.1.28 -
Describe the bug
When we disconnect from the server with the backpack equipped disappears, we can´t access the inventory of the backpack and when we try to equip another one says that we have one equipped. -
Write steps to reproduce the bug
Equip a backpack, disconect and enter again we dont know if is a problem with the server or the mod
- What is expected behaviour
We want to see the backpack when
we reconnect to the server and use it normally
I tried only with tb and also install one by one the mods, I had no problems in one player but in the server the error keeps happening IDK what is happening and causing this problem
I know that you may not even be playing the game but the reason it happens on servers is because of the /skin plugin, the backpack being in the back of your character bugs out whenever the skin changes (this happens when you're a premium account and a non-premium server is using /skin plugin as it has to first load the default skin with the backpack and then the premium one, bugging it out), the only solution I found to make use of the backpack without dying is removing the /skin plugin.
I know that you may not even be playing the game but the reason it happens on servers is because of the /skin plugin, the backpack being in the back of your character bugs out whenever the skin changes (this happens when you're a premium account and a non-premium server is using /skin plugin as it has to first load the default skin with the backpack and then the premium one, bugging it out), the only solution I found to make use of the backpack without dying is removing the /skin plugin.
Thank you so much man, i was trying to found a fix to this thing and you got it