- 7
Unable to Open Backpack's Inventory
#232 opened by Coraline77447 - 5
Items disappear from the Backpack
#233 opened by Naelson27 - 1
Disappearing items
#234 opened by yokashio - 3
Inappropriate sorting with Inventory Tweaks Renewed
#235 opened by GreenBudgie - 4
Log off with backpack in curio slot causes glitched backpack
#238 opened by Glemoyn - 1
Fluid tanks do not refresh while inserting fluid to backpack via pipes
#236 opened by Tiviacz1337 - 3
placing liquid from tanks into the world
#241 opened by benbenlaw - 1
change mode button doesnt work
#242 opened by benbenlaw - 2
hose on water logged block
#239 opened by benbenlaw - 1
interacting with tanks
#240 opened by benbenlaw - 1
Tool scrolling with only two tools leaves an empty hand and stops scrolling
#243 opened by chaosblad3 - 0
Backpack Resets to Empty Standard One Upon Death
#244 opened by nia-infonite - 1
Losing Items in Backpack
#245 opened by MrTailson - 1
Datapack problems
#246 opened - 1
Hose switching mode STILL DOES NOT WORK
#247 opened by benbenbenlaw - 1
Only basic backpack in 1.16.5
#249 opened by bauerwilhelm - 1
Can't open backpack inventory when equipped
#251 opened by shell42dll - 0
#252 opened by q310 - 1
Items get lost if you try to add some to an existing non complete stack in the backpack
#253 opened by MechanEs - 0
Curio Support
#255 opened by antebell - 1
cant open the inventory
#256 opened by zayoc - 1
Cant cicly through tolls.
#257 opened by edgare13 - 1
Um, this isn't a bug but Traveller's has two "L"s.
#258 opened by blace2121 - 1
Backpacks dont place and you cant wear them 1.16.5
#259 opened by ffsdfsdfsdfsd - 0
Doubt about mod update
#260 opened by Magolunatico - 1
Can't Assign Hose In Creative Mode
#261 opened by Coraline77447 - 19
Fluid Tanks not Working Properly
#262 opened by MrTailson - 1
Items disappearing
#265 opened by 599XX-EVO - 1
Crash when putting backpack on and cant log back in
#264 opened by PushedTree37974 - 1
the liquids in the inventory 1.16.3
#266 opened by jumbo7012 - 1
Placing fluids into containers with nozzle crashes game
#267 opened by Csquaredaap - 3
#268 opened by TitanGuard - 1
[Suggestion] Config to customize the ammount of inventory slots and disable functions
#269 opened by arBorghi - 13
Curios Integration not working right
#270 opened by GhostGuy9 - 1
No dragon pack
#271 opened by Unexian - 1
Add support for xnet
#272 opened by Unexian - 6
Librarian Trades
#273 opened - 1
I can't equip the backpack
#274 opened by RaulGamerBr - 9
Unable to Equip/Unequip
#275 opened by pjlasl - 6
On backpacks and shulkers and balancing
#276 opened by nickylp8 - 0
game crashes on starting world
#277 opened by partariothegoth - 13
Crash upon startup
#278 opened by KaanEmlak - 1
Librarians sell backpacks in place of nametags
#280 opened by ExArch3r - 2
My world won't open anymore.
#279 opened by ImmuniMalo - 1
Hoze malfunction
#281 opened by joshrezende2 - 1
#283 opened by catgirl30 - 1
Bat backpack spawning in every chest in mines
#282 opened by Tiviacz1337 - 1
#284 opened by RedWolfGaming - 4
Using JEI to add a backpack recipe to the backpacks crafting grid will trash either items or the 'standard' bag.
#285 opened by markygnlg - 1
something I want for myself
#286 opened by LeoB20