- 1
Travel bag disappear.
#340 opened by liaoshuaige - 4
Trinkit issue
#341 opened by 32bitx64bit - 11
[Fabric] If Trinkets integration is set to true, clients connecting to servers will not be able to use backpacks unless they join a single-player world first
#342 opened by SplendidAlakey - 2
Incompatible with MouseWheelie
#343 opened by SplendidAlakey - 0
Incompatible with Charm
#344 opened by SplendidAlakey - 0
#345 opened - 2
Traveler's Backpack [FABRIC] 1.17.1-6.0.0 crash on startup
#339 opened by SplendidAlakey - 1
Backpack can't be opened
#354 opened by SviatoslavZinch - 1
I cant equip a backpack because of a bug
#346 opened by CheezeNut - 1
Name changing problem
#348 opened by GipsyPotter - 1
a weird crash
#349 opened by LNTrinity - 1
Green slot swap/change not working
#350 opened by GFreenD - 1
Cannot take my backpack off when equiped
#351 opened by Proaming122 - 2
Can't break backpack block with anything but Hand but Tinkers Survival mod doesn't allow me to.
#352 opened by trollkind - 6
Items lost when inside backpack during upgrade
#353 opened by Rasenwish89 - 4
Grabbing the backpack with a secondary slot (and add armor slots)
#355 opened by NoiGS2015 - 7
Update to 1.18.1
#357 opened by UnPik - 1
Commission and suggestion.
#362 opened by AdmiralAlpaca - 4
backpack losses inventory
#363 opened by omrih664 - 1
1.16.5 BedBenefits/Sleeping crashes game on sleeping bag
#364 opened by oliove - 2
All items lost from backpack after I rejoin the world.
#358 opened by josh1221wa - 1
Can not equip
#359 opened by Thatonepalmtree - 2
Items lost when the backpack drop itself on death
#360 opened by UmpaLumpaHQ - 3
1.18.1. fabric
#361 opened by wackoamd1 - 2
Shift click console spam
#366 opened by IhleMa - 2
Placing backpack error
#365 opened by Tripplestryke245 - 3
Hearts Look Weird When Wearing a Backpack
#368 opened by Coraline77447 - 2
Travelers-Backpack disappeared
#369 opened by marlester-dev - 1
[Fabric 1.18.1] Disable cape/backpack render option
#373 opened by Dejeh - 1
[Fabric 1.18.1] Placing/breaking pig or cow backpack makes slime noise
#374 opened by Dejeh - 2
[Fabric 1.18.1] When the player is killed the backpack is duped
#375 opened by Dejeh - 1
[Fabric 1.18.1] When the player is killed below y=1 the backpack is not placed
#376 opened by Dejeh - 3
[1.16.5] Backpack tanks revert Quark infinity-enchanted water buckets to normal
#370 opened by exentio - 1
Nether Bed Exploit
#371 opened by apertureos - 1
No hose recipe in AOF 5
#377 opened by FDK101 - 1
Infinite storage
#378 opened by VektorZ1 - 1
[Fabric 1.16.5]
#380 opened by Apxllyxnic - 1
Backpack not usable when placed in Curios slot 1.16.5-5.4.7
#381 opened by Vetanenator - 1
when i try to launch the game this error pops up java.lang.RuntimeException
#384 opened by DRMelonHaert - 1
#383 opened by Fireworkstars46 - 2
Backpack disappeared when equip button was clicked
#387 opened by tnaseef - 1
no crafting recipe
#385 opened by 0TellMyTales0 - 1
Mod not working under MC 1.18.2
#386 opened by fenpaws - 1
Not all Backpacks in 1.18.2
#388 opened by Tizibinki - 3
Unable to open backpack in a modpack
#389 opened by MasterMind1010 - 1
gui stuck
#390 opened by battlemonkey71 - 0
mod does not show up in game
#391 opened by EQW020602 - 1
can't unequip 1.12.2
#392 opened by mbcskm - 2
Where is the Fabric version source code?
#393 opened by HyperlyBola - 5
Setting spawn isn't working as expected
#394 opened by AechtRob