- 5
Can’t change hose mode
#435 opened by LIlaUraraka - 1
Forge 41.0.98 Compatibility
#437 opened by rsta79 - 2
Cant open backpack when on my back
#436 opened by MisterWhale17 - 1
Keybind configuration doesnt appear in minecraft settings
#438 opened by miguelybarra - 3
Squid backpack without buff in water
#439 opened by JueXiuHuang - 2
Found a bug that could cause the game to crash
#425 opened by CaesarGalahad - 1
Please update to the latest version of forge 1.19 because the mod does not work
#426 opened by papillo12 - 1
Can't enter a server with this mod
#427 opened by 0DarkShock0 - 1
Spider Backpack Changes
#428 opened by Andrew-530 - 2
Using Squid Backpack With Water Crashes Game
#429 opened by TheExplosion - 1
Crash Game when Fill chest with water
#430 opened by Loh-key - 6
Compatiblity with corpse mod
#431 opened by Thelegendking - 7
Suggest the open backpack key toggle in and out of the backpack like the vanilla inventory key does.
#432 opened by WesHay - 11
Universal Graves Support
#433 opened by KatNyxion - 0
Shortcut keys to put full buckets into bucket slot in backpack for
#434 opened by Azeryahu - 16
Dehydration Mod Compatibility
#446 opened by ardissaps - 3
I can't craft anything
#447 opened by VixxenBlood - 1
1.18.2 cannot put into trinket slot
#441 opened by Merith-TK - 6
Uncampatible with TLlauncher
#442 opened by JasonRojas10 - 1
Not activating curios slot
#443 opened by TheAndroidx1 - 2
No legit way to get iron golem backpack in 1.19 (as far as I can tell)
#444 opened by MrCheschire - 8
LAN game other player can't toggle ability with squid backpack
#445 opened by forestsecret - 2
Failing Twilight Forest's Uncrafting Table
#465 opened by Neubulae - 4
Travelers Backpack not unequipable
#449 opened by TypicalDavid611 - 3
Server crashes when clicking the S button in the backpack GUI
#448 opened by DuckDeng - 12
Items duplicate and/or disappear with Squid Backpack
#453 opened by ThomMcLean - 1
Wrong inventory outline texture
#452 opened by xXNickznXx - 3
Can't enable abilities
#454 opened by ITCMD - 1
Post an updated list of all backpack crafting recipes
#455 opened by forestsecret - 3
Server Crash
#456 opened by Athaias - 3
Duplicating Items when using shears on backpack
#457 opened by cdburgess - 4
Use Milk in storage tanks
#458 opened by cdburgess - 1
Backpack Abilities Not Working
#459 opened by WeirdoThat - 7
Abilities disabled by config option
#460 opened by RyanBv - 1
[Fabric 1.18.2] Why does one bucket convert to 81000 points?
#461 opened by lazurit11 - 1
Server Crash on attempting to equip backpack 1.19.1
#462 opened by MrT451 - 8
Travlers backpack not working
#463 opened by CopyRightguy - 3
Keybinds not working
#464 opened by Millepertuis - 4
The regeneration from dragon backpack is not working.
#478 opened by Hotaru-Snowy - 2
Squid Backpack no abilities @Tiviacz1337
#479 opened by Frection - 1
Duping/Rolling Back issues with backpack
#480 opened by zerevoidd - 3
Squid backpack - Abilities not working
#467 opened by LambertsCode - 1
Duping any items [Trinkets mod compatibility issue?]
#466 opened by Gredys - 1
Disappearing backpack
#481 opened by Thund3rmonk3y1 - 3
Cannot open backpack
#469 opened by giabao06 - 5
Not letting me go into my backpack.
#473 opened by RenaAthena - 10
When I put down the cactus backpack, the game crashed
#472 opened by signdo - 2
compatibility issues with fabric
#474 opened by kimayu05 - 13
Backpacks can't equip or used (With curious)
#476 opened by SrRapero720 - 3
Duping on 1.18.2
#477 opened by itsdinkd