- 3
1.16.1 - Backpack lose all the inv after player died
#153 opened by EJGonzalez91 - 0
Backpacks inaccessible
#154 opened by WatermanWM - 1
1.16.2 - Backpack lose all the inv after player died in the nether
#155 opened by AlejandroVidalM - 1
Dying in the end by falling out
#158 opened by Daviid-P - 1
Backpack not useable 16.2
#156 opened by Schoolisoutfan - 1
Hose Bug [1.16.2]
#157 opened by Mikeliro - 1
[1.16.2] Items Deleted when Inserted into a Backpack
#159 opened by Flexico - 1
[1.15.2] Placing a Forbidden Arcanus Edelwood Bucket into the bucket slot produces an iron bucket
#160 opened by IceDragon200 - 1
The backpack disappears due to a death in the water
#161 opened by TheVegetto102 - 1
[Feature request] Easier sleeping bag
#162 opened by Yupoman - 2
[1.12.2] Hud icons don't update when cycling through tools in the green slots. When you open the backpack after cycling through tools... it updates correctly.
#163 opened by SonicX8000 - 1
【BUG 1.15.2】墓碑mod并未收录此背包,因此,死亡的时候,身上的物品会留在墓碑mod,而背包则掉落
#164 opened by love309099225 - 1
[1.12.2] Game freezes when placing fluids from hose into cauldron
#165 opened by lgnmcrules - 2
My backpack transforms from iron golem to normal
#166 opened by WoxemYT - 1
The Hose
#167 opened by 25mole - 4
[1.16.2] Missing Texture and backpacks
#168 opened by Spews - 0
game crash
#169 opened by Landor151 - 6
Missing Backpack Textures
#170 opened by Jacob94DX - 1
La manguera no cambia de modo 1.14.4
#171 opened by Magolunatico - 0
fluid issues
#172 opened by centuryboy774 - 4
Unable to open backpack
#173 opened by DemonFromHeaven - 1
Newest 1.12.2 mod hose won't change nozzle
#174 opened by LazerCow - 1
backpack variety issue
#175 opened by moddeduser - 5
Cannot use the hose (1.12.2)
#176 opened by EvyonHD - 0
When a tnt/creeper explode my deployed backpack (mostly after i die) the backpack go to the floor (in entity form) , but i lose all items.
#177 opened by Edrei123 - 1
Cannot equip backpack anymore (1.12.2)
#178 opened by gdnathan - 1
1.15.2 Inventory sorting buttons from Quark are weird with backpack UI
#179 opened by Hiranus - 0
14.4 Can't craft the special bacpacks.
#180 opened by RonGoryMore - 2
Cannot equip backpack or access inventory with hotkeys
#181 opened by Fenius - 6
Yoooo.... so why do you have the curseforge page lieing...
#182 opened by RonGoryMore - 3
Shift-middle scroll scrolls the toolbar and does not change the mode of the hose 1.12
#184 opened by DangerouslyFunny - 1
1.12.2 problems
#185 opened by RedWolfGaming - 1
Backpack dissapearded in void.
#186 opened by Rayo183 - 1
[1.12.2] Dupe Bug
#187 opened by focamacho - 2
water and lava ui is out of place and duplicated
#189 opened by Xcc14 - 3
liquids duplicate visualy
#191 opened by acqbmn - 1
Backpack texture error
#190 opened by xxCharLessFiery - 2
Textures are Missing
#192 opened by Crayola7108 - 1
[1.16.4] hose wont change mode
#195 opened by CraftMaster163 - 2
1.12.2 NPE
#196 opened by kreezxil - 1
No textures
#193 opened - 1
Backpack & contents disappearing when broken
#194 opened by DropkickPadawan - 6
[1.16.4] Items deleted when inserted into placed backpack
#198 opened by Flexico - 2
Conflict with quark
#197 opened by ydylol - 1
Feature: Crafting Grid JEI integration capability
#201 opened by narroc - 2
Feature/Bug: Tooltip integration in backpack
#202 opened by narroc - 4
1.16.4 texture failure and liquids are visually duplicated
#199 opened by templar742 - 2
1.16.4 Emptying Tank Crash
#200 opened by XxPowerEyexX - 1
doesnt work in a server
#204 opened by LithTheKitten - 1
[1.16.4] Cannot display hover information when in backpack gui
#203 opened by ScottCTD