Traveler's Titles (Forge)

Traveler's Titles (Forge)


Virus warning from BitDefender / Large icon.png

MarkusBordihn opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Hi Nick,
first of all thanks for all of your hard work, I really like your mods. ;)

It's seems that the version TravelersTitles-1.18.2-Forge-2.1.1.jar and TravelersTitles-1.18.2-Forge-2.1.0.jar are report as infected with Java.Trojan.GenericGB.29351 in the file TitleRenderer.class by BitDefender Total Security.


Looks like a false positive for me, but would be great if this could be fixed.

Furthermore it would be great if you can minimize the file with or so.

Any PNG optimization should be able to lower the icon file size by 50% (about 100kb) which is about 30% of the current mod file size.


I reported the file to Bit Defender Support and it seems the false positive is fixed, so I will close this issue. ;)


Hey! Yeah, it's a false positive. Unfortunately there's not much I can do except rearrange some things in the TitleRenderer class and hope that it no longer gets detected. In the meantime, please report the file as a false positive - hopefully I can get them to manually whitelist it.

As for PNG optimization - thanks for the pointer! I'll try and do that with all my mods in the future.