Erroneous server-side call to Minecraft class to obtain DataFixer
noobanidus opened this issue ยท 6 comments
It's specifically regarding fetching data fixers. I've never interacted with them before so I'm not sure what the proper methods are, wish I could help more!
duely, I made a release for 1.4.2 for the server fixes. It includes the .jar so you don't have to build. Do you think you could test it out quickly to see if your issue is fixed?
BTW, how do you add those stats on your github site for EpicSquid/Roots ?
Well, I know why it's failing -> the Minecraft class is client-side only. I found another class that hold the data fixer, which seems to be populated with the correct side depending on whats running -> FMLCommonHandler.instance().getDataFixer(). Hoping this works!
I think it's just one of my pinned repositories.
Honestly, if it's working on your runServer/Minecraft Server then it shoul dbe fine