Crash with Tree Chopper
DatrixTHLK opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Just opened minecraft and CTD. It is possible that there is a mod that doesn't exactly get along with Tree Chopper.
Minecraft 1.10.2
Tree Chopper: 1.1.0
Crash Report: http://pastebin.com/YESxLAER
Well I know exactly where the problem is.. The thing is some of your mod is trying to open network channel between server and client, with the name that already exist. I have to rename my channel to more complicated name, than "MyChannel" :D
Assuming I don't understand what you're saying. Why would a mod need to open a network channel between client and server?
My channel is for sending server settings to client. (BreakSpeed is completly client side). The data are sending on client connect and on command /tch breakspeed value, which change breakSpeed in running game.