Trinkets (Fabric)

Trinkets (Fabric)


Some onEquip/onUnequip calls within the inventory screen is not processed on the logical server

MrEluzium opened this issue ยท 0 comments


I ran into a problem while developing mod that depends on trinkets.
Basic mechanics are based on updating players that wearing trinket, and I tried to implement that using onEquip/onUnequip calls.
The bug appears when I try to get trinket out of the slot repeatedly.

Here is reproduction with some debug logging in LivingEntityMixin class and Copper Rings mod by ZeroKun265.


Server don't know that player don't have ring in slot after first onUnequip call.
Temporary solution is send a packet from client to server with onUnequip call every time it happens on client side.

Trinkets version: 3.4.1
Minecraft version: 1.19 (originally I found this bug on 1.19.2)