Waaaay too many Failgulls
ProsperCraft opened this issue ยท 4 comments
That kill command killed 2849 of them, then 682 more. Then 600 more 10 minutes later.
I got involved because a user could not log in because there were too many of them.
Can you put a check in to keep them from spawning thousands of them?
Modpack - https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/drtardis-adventure-modpack
I haven't seen that issue with failgulls before, only tropics fish. Not really sure what happened there, but it's probably another mod messing with the spawning mechanisms.
Mob spawning is fixed in the 1.10.2 release. Sorry about our insane 1.7.10 spawning!
My 1.7.10 modpack starts in the tropics, could you please backport the spawning fix?
I have a couple years work into this modpack.