



Answordy opened this issue ยท 4 comments


I know this might not be an issue (of this mod), sorry for that, however I must ask.
The problem is that the tumbleweeds appaer translucent, even though their texture files have 0% opacity. With vanilla graphics it's not a problem but with shaders they look kinda broken.

The first picture is vanilla, and you can see the kelp right trough it.
2022-04-24_05 53 58

The second and third pictures are with Complementary shaders, it works the same with AstraLex. Hovewer Sildurs works just fine like vanilla, didn't test other ones. All of these with Optifine however.
2022-04-24_05 20 28
2022-04-24_05 20 32

Most of the layers are also missing as seen on the last picture, making the tumbleweed very.. lean.
I don't know what causes it, so sorry if it's a shader/optifine problem, I just wondered if there is a way to fix it, or at least remove translucency, if that helps.


Can you try in 1.19?


I did, without shaders the tumbleweed looks the same as before. Somewhat transparent, but not that noticable.
2022-06-22_11 37 18
I'm still using 1.18.2 since most mods didn't update to 1.19 yet, one of them is Optifine, what I used when creating the original pictures. So I couldn't recreate the same environment in 1.19. Basically Optifine+Complementary.
My best bet was to use Rubidim+Oculus+Complementary to test it in the new version. Using that combo the tumbleweeds are totally invisible now.


Tumbleweeds render slightly different in vanilla now but it should be fixed.
The transparency is intended.


Hi, I don't know if this mod is still in dev, but the issue about tumbleweeds being invisible is still here when rubidium+oculus+complementary are installed.