


litematica compatibility

ProkopRandacek opened this issue ยท 2 comments


The pick before place tweak does ignores litematica ghost block pickinig.


this is not from tweakeroo, that is a tweak from litematica. There is also pick after tweak in litematica.


Yep, it's not possible for Tweakeroo to know anything about Litematica currently. I would have to add a proper API for it to hook into.

But more to the point, the built-in pick block features in Litematica should already cover this use case. Specifically the pickBlockLast hotkey, if you set that to the vanilla use key (usually right click), and then set the advanced keybind setting to not cancel further processing, then it would always do an automatic pick block just before placing a block.

However it only happens when you right click, not when you just hold down the right click button... For that I still need to add some better way for the pick block to work. Probably just check for the pickBlockLast being held down when the use packet is about to be sent, and then do the pick block there.