


Feature Request: HandRestock from schulkerboxes

nicolas-reig opened this issue ยท 6 comments


It would be nice if the Hand Restock also supports hand restock from Schulkerboxes. And also Pick block. For example you have like 10 ShulkerBoxes full of Dirt, and no dirt in you inventory so when you press pick Block (middle Button) it grabs one stack of dirt from your shulkerBox.


This is simply not possible with a client-side mod (except in single player), unless the mod would place the shulker box somewhere and then open it and then grab a stack from there. But that has so many issues that I won't do that.

(It might get placed next to some budded blocks and update or trigger something, or there might be a hopper or hopper minecart below that sucks out items from the placed box, and there is a delay before the server syncs the contents of the box after you open the GUI so then this action would need to be a scheduled task that waits for the sync to happen... and how long should it wait at maximum? And then the box would need to be broken and picked up again...)

But I guess I could implement this just for the single player case...


And what if someone installs Tweakeroo in the server.


because I'am the owner.


Tweakeroo is a client-side mod, it can't be installed on the server. It would need to be a separate server-side mod then. This might fit to a mod like CarpetExtra, but then it would be enabled for everyone on the server, unless the client needs to somehow request for the feature to be enabled only for a given player.




This feature is now available as a Scarpet script for Carpet.