


Feature Request: Smooth Zoom

NReigS opened this issue · 7 comments


I feel like the current zoom in tweakeroo needs to be more smooth just like in Opitfine.
Because If you're zoomed in and move the camera it is too fast and disorienting.


For 1.14+ check out the mod Ok zoomer, it has the features you are looking for.


The zoom already reduces the mouse sensitivity while it's active. But I could make it adjustable so you can select how much it reduces the sensitivity.


Oh yes the cinematic camera that is what I ment. You have a point, it is hard to control but it’s so smoother and less disorienting for me. @maruohon Could you make a setting to enable the Cinematic camera along with the zoom? I think a lot of people may be familiar with it in Optifine.


Sure, I guess.

I'll try to go through the issue trackers and incorporate lots of these requests before I make the next "feature release" which I start porting from 1.12.2 to the later MC versions again.


Optifine actually enables cinematic camera in addition to lowering the sensitivity. Cinematic camera is a vanilla feature, but when I still used Optifine, I found myself usually pressing C+X (where C was zoom and X was cinematic camera) in order to disable cinematic camera. It is distracting and makes the camera hard to control. Just turning the sensitivity down is enough. Additionally, Ok zoomer does not let you choose how much the sensitivity changes (although most other things of it are well configurable), and it seems like it doesn't take the default sensitivity setting into account either, which, in case you have set it to higher than 100%, makes turning around seem extremely slow when zoomed in. I also mentioned this in #88.


Any reason for closing this already? I have such a massive todo list these days that none of the requests will happen in 30 minutes to 1 day anymore, not to mention that new features first go to 1.12.2 and will then need to be ported to 1.13.2, 1.14.4, 1.15.2, 1.16.2 etc.


Ups sorry for closing I didn’t mean to close just wrong button.