Gifted subs don't work
CyberMoepi opened this issue · 6 comments
When I get subs as a gift in the stream it does not work ingame. I can successfully simulate it ingame and it will run.
Follows and channel points rules work ingame and via Twitch directly. I used this to test and many other things too....
I am also a twitch partner... is there maybe a partner bug?
DROP minecraft:stick 2
DISPLAYING %["Test Subscription"]%
ON Twitch Subscription
WITH gifted IS false
DROP diamond_block 1
DISPLAYING %["Test Gift Subscription"]%
ON Twitch Subscription Gift
WITH amount = 1
WITH tier = 1
Me too
This is the packet printed in the console. It was triggered by 100 gift subs, but triggers a normal 8-month-sub instead.
// [11:31:57] [EventThread/INFO]: Received Streamlabs packet (subscription-playing, streamlabs) ->
"sub_plan": "1000",
"membershipLevel": null,
"from_display_name": "CuteCrait",
"planName": "",
"type": "subscription",
"variation": 5,
"platform": "twitch_account",
"createdAt": "2021-12-18 10:31:53",
"isSubgiftExpanded": true,
"payload": {},
"sub_type": null,
"subPlan": "1000",
"repeat": false,
"from": "CuteCrait",
"massSubGiftChildAlerts": [],
"amount": "100",
"months": 8,
"read": false,
"gifter": "CuteCrait",
"subscriber_twitch_id": null,
"gifter_display_name": null,
"count": 1,
"priority": 10,
"streak_months": 4,
"message": "This is a test",
"display_name": "CuteCrait",
"createdAtTimestamp": 1639823513849,
"isTest": true,
"emotes": null,
"name": "CuteCrait",
"_id": "655025954fed45a35e0f60f91a5dc4c2",
"benefit_end_month": null,
"hash": "subscription:cutecrait:This is a test",
"membershipLevelName": null
I'm also running into this issue. I'm using StreamElements.
When I receive a gifted sub, it acts as if it's a normal sub in-game. When I run a simulation of a gifted sub, it will act accordingly.
Running TwitchSpawn v1.9.1 on Minecraft 1.16.5
#Summon the Horde FOR ${amount} TIMES SUMMON zombie ~ ~2 ~ %{CustomName:"\"§6§l${actor}'s Army\"", CustomNameVisible:1, ArmorItems:[{},{},{},{Count:1,id:golden_helmet}]}% DISPLAYING %[{text:"and brought some friends!!!"}]% On Twitch Subscription Gift
i have the same bug. ts sees a single gift sub but fails to activate on multi gift subs from the same person
this is in 1.16 and 1.18 so far
we need to get this bug fixed!
i have the same bug. ts sees a single gift sub but fails to activate on multi gift subs from the same person this is in 1.16 and 1.18 so far