Ube's Delight [Fabric]

Ube's Delight [Fabric]


[1.21.1] Infinite garlic/ginger bug

Closed this issue ยท 2 comments


Describe the bug
The garlic/ginger crates can be crafted from the chopped garlic/ginger, then deconstruct into the whole items, doubling the amount of garlic/ginger.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Start with 9 garlic
  2. Chop garlic into 18 chopped garlic
  3. Craft 2 garlic crates
  4. Uncraft crates into 18 garlic

Expected behavior
Probably only allow crafting garlic crates from the garlic item, not the tag.

Mod Version


Minecraft Version


Fabric/Forge Version

NeoForge 21.1.80

Other Mods

	Barbeque's Delight 1.2.0+3 (barbequesdelight)
	Butcher 2.7.5 (butcher)
	Butchercraft 2.6.2 (butchercraft)
	Crate Delight 24.11.22-1.21-neoforge (cratedelight)
	Dumpling's Delight Rewrapped 1.2.1 (dumplings_delight)
	EMI 1.1.18+1.21.1+neoforge (emi)
	End's Delight 2.5 (ends_delight)
	Ender's Delight 1.0.1 (endersdelight)
	Expanded Delight (expandeddelight)
	Extra Delight 2.1.1 (extradelight)
	Farmer's Delight 1.2.5 (farmersdelight)
	Fast Projectile API 3.0.1+1 (fast_projectile_api)
	Fruits Delight 1.2.1+5 (fruitsdelight)
	GeckoLib 4 4.7 (geckolib)
	Just Enough Items (jei)
	KubeJS 2101.7.1-build.181 (kubejs)
	L2Core 3.0.8+2 (l2core)
	L2DamageTracker 3.0.2 (l2damagetracker)
	L2ItemSelector 3.0.8 (l2itemselector)
	L2Library 3.0.3+2 (l2library)
	L2MenuStacker 3.0.9 (l2menustacker)
	L2Tabs 3.0.5+7 (l2tabs)
	MidnightLib 1.6.3 (midnightlib)
	Minecraft 1.21.1 (minecraft)
	Mysterious Mountain Lib 1.1.8-1.21.1 (mysterious_mountain_lib)
	NeoForge 21.1.80 (neoforge)
	Ocean's Delight 1.0.3 (oceansdelight)
	Patchouli 1.21-87-NEOFORGE (patchouli)
	Rhino 2101.2.5-build.54 (rhino)
	Rustic Delight 1.3.0 (rusticdelight)
	SeedDelight 0.1 (seeddelight)
	Storage Delight 24.09.11-1.21-neoforge (storagedelight)
	Ube's Delight 0.2.3 (ubesdelight)
	Vegan Delight 1.1.1 (vegandelight)
	Youkai's Homecoming 3.0.0+10 (youkaishomecoming) 

Appreciate you letting me know! That is definitely a bug, I will make sure that is not possible in the next update. I'll close this when it releases.


Just released version 0.3.0 that includes the fix for this bug. ๐Ÿ”— Modrinth | CurseForge ๐Ÿ”—

Thank you again for opening the bug!