UI-Utils Reborn

UI-Utils Reborn


Crashes when i launch mc 1.20.1

Xerox0987 opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2IntMap.getInt(Object)" because "this.uniformCache" is null
[13/08/2023 16:10:33 pm] at net.minecraft.class_5944.redirect$dem000$sodium$redirectGetUniformLocation(class_5944.java:2167)
[13/08/2023 16:10:33 pm] at net.minecraft.class_5944.method_34586(class_5944.java:392)
[13/08/2023 16:10:33 pm] at net.minecraft.class_291.method_34431(class_291.java:180)
[13/08/2023 16:10:33 pm] at net.minecraft.class_291.method_34427(class_291.java:123)
[13/08/2023 16:10:33 pm] at net.minecraft.class_286.method_43438(class_286.java:33)
[13/08/2023 16:10:33 pm] at net.minecraft.class_286.method_43433(class_286.java:26)
[13/08/2023 16:10:33 pm] at net.minecraft.class_332.method_25295(class_332.java:398)
[13/08/2023 16:10:33 pm] at net.minecraft.class_332.method_25297(class_332.java:378)
[13/08/2023 16:10:33 pm] at net.minecraft.class_332.method_25293(class_332.java:362)
[13/08/2023 16:10:33 pm] at net.minecraft.class_425.method_25394(class_425.java:124)
[13/08/2023 16:10:33 pm] at net.minecraft.class_757.method_3192(class_757.java:934)
[13/08/2023 16:10:33 pm] ... 6 more
[13/08/2023 16:10:33 pm] [Render thread/FATAL] Reported exception thrown!
[13/08/2023 16:10:33 pm] [Render thread/INFO] [FastQuit] Exiting FastQuit.
[13/08/2023 16:10:33 pm] ---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
[13/08/2023 16:10:33 pm] // Daisy, daisy...
[13/08/2023 16:10:33 pm]
[13/08/2023 16:10:33 pm] Time: 2023-08-13 16:10:33
[13/08/2023 16:10:33 pm] Description: Rendering overlay
[13/08/2023 16:10:33 pm]
[13/08/2023 16:10:33 pm] java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2IntMap.getInt(Object)" because "this.uniformCache" is null
I think that this is the error here


I've got the problem I guess.
I had very similar one, but there is your answer
Just update the Sodium, and make sure the txt you are loading are not having emissive textures, bc that also could be crashing your game


I had similar one - but it was due having outdated sodium and other rendering mods. Do you have anything else installed? Also if you are using MultiMC you can send the whole log with a button "Upload" and paste link here


This seems like an issue with sodium, try running it with only ui utils and updated fabric api and let me know if it works.


First try only using ui utils and fabric api, if that doesn't work then check your ui utils version and make sure its for 1.20.1 and up to date.