Ultimate Plane Mod

Ultimate Plane Mod


damage and obstacle clearance

ink717 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


2021-05-18_16 43 00
2021-05-18_16 42 55

Hi! I'm a real-life pilot flying Cessna 172s and enjoying your mod a lot, it's pretty much basic functions with essential displays of data.
However. I made a precision approach runway using the Chisel mod, thus creating 1/8 and 1/16 blocks above the runway, it works like the embedded runway centerline lights in real life.
When the plane accelerates, it still causes huge damage and unable to take off or land safely due to the crashes with obstacles. With obstacles that small, is there a way to adjust the crash box of the plane to anything bigger than 1/8 or sth? Cause in real life, when I'm taking off from Worcester or Providence, these airports' centerline lights does make the small plane feel a bump, but not crashing like this. It'll be awesome if you are able to adjust this a bit so more customized airport lighting can be made.



The plane should be able to clear 0.5 block high obstacles when rolling on the floor.
I tested it with half slabs and chiseled slabs and it worked fine for me, but I had similar issues in the past with chisels and bits. Their collision detection sometimes bugs out and you can't even walk over it as the player. This might also be the problem in your world.

Would you please test if the plane crashes when driving over half slabs?

If slabs are no problem, I'm suspecting chisels and bits causes the problem, so you might want to open a new issue on their bug tracker.


Closed due to inactivity.