[Major Bug] Ore variants hardness is higher than vanilla
Dimerite opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Just started playing with this mod and found that I couldn't mine coal/iron variants with a stone pickaxe. So I gave myself iron with commands and I still can't mine coal/iron neither gold.
I asume problem will happen with all the ores, I suggest checking all of them and balance with vanilla. But just in case, the ids of the ores I have failed to mine with an iron pickaxe in survival:
Fabric 1.16.4
UnEarthed 1.0.5
Edit: I have tried with diamond an netherite too, same thing.
Closing this, if issue persists in latest version, reopen this. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/unearthed-fabric/files/3196531