


Mek/TE sawdust unification.

Freedbot opened this issue · 7 comments


I'm hoping to unify sawdust to TE's. Adding the custom unification "Wood:dust|pulp" ought to be enough for my uses, but it doesn't seem to affect any machine outputs. Both the Mek Precision Sawmill and EnderIO's SAG Mill still seem to prefer outputting Mek's. If someone has it working or a genius Crafttweaker script that doesn't involve manually editing 67 pages of recipes... please throw the solution my way.

Low priority. This is a big logistics annoyance, but they are properly interchangeable in all recipes by default at least.


Are you using Immersive Engineering mod? In my testing, it seems that without it the sag mill is unified properly. The new sawmill integration works too. After installing Immersive Engineering both of these machines stopped being unified. If you don't use Immersive Engineering mod then can you provide a full mod list?


Hmmm. Yes, you're right. My pack has IE in it.


Ok, then I know that Immersive Engineering must be doing something that breaks the recipe unification. I will look into it more.


Hello, I came up with a fix for you!

The problem is that for some unknown to me reason immersive engineering makes the sag mill and sawmill use the pulpWood ore dictionary rather than dustWood like normal.

The easy solution to fix this is to add the thermal foundation sawdust to the pulpWood entries.

This can be achieved in two ways:

  1. UniDict config - Add this line pulpWood+thermalfoundation:material#800 to S:userOreDictEntries in UniDict.cfg
  2. CraftTweaker - Add this line into one of your scripts: <ore:pulpWood>.add(<thermalfoundation:material:800>);

This should fix your problem for the SAG Mill, for the Mekanism Saw Mill you will have to wait for the next release where support for it is added.

Hope this helps!

EDIT: If this fix works for you please close the issue!


Cool. I'll put that in now and keep my eyes open for the update. Thanks for looking into it for me. Will test later tonight. If you're sure the Mek Sawmill is fixed in dev, then sure I'll close it after I test.


I've released the 3.0.2 update which features the new Mekanism integration update so make sure to update UniDict!

Hoping for the best 🤞


Oh.... well jeeze. I guess I have to test it now since you went to so much effort.... All I wanted was to take a moment to chill with a snack after work first :'(

Good news. This works properly now. This required the S:customUnifiedResources Wood:dust|pulp, adding TE sawdust to the pulpWood oredict as you mentioned, and version 3.0.2. With all those set I have checked the recipes and manually run logs through the machines just in case. All good.