Recipe removal after unification does not work for IE machine recipes
wormzjl opened this issue · 1 comments
I want to remove for example an IE arc furnace recipe with the following script
mods.immersiveengineering.ArcFurnace.removeRecipe(IItemstack output);
The original output item for this recipe is an IE ingot, but the unification target is an RC ingot.
The recipe removal does not work if I used RC ingot as argument, only with the item before unification.
However this works pretty well with nuclearcraft machine recipes, I can use unification target item to remove the recipe.
Guess this is related to execution sequence, could this be changed so I can actually turn on Unidict during pack dev? thanks!
Hello, this is probably caused by the fact that crafttweaker removes the IE recipes before UniSict executes its unification(at load stage PostInit). For nuclear craft it’s different since UniDict only applies changes to it’s config resulting in the change taking place when nuclearcraft registers it’s recipes.
Due to the way UniDict works it’s not possible to move unification to earlier stages as some mods that integrate with IE register their recipes later then IE itself or the crafttweaker component. This would cause some recipes not to be unified.