Unique Crops

Unique Crops


[Issue] Hourglass of Nostalgia crafttweaker custom recipes ignore metadata

luke-bravenboer opened this issue ยท 2 comments


While adding some recipes for some of the currently-unobtainable Thaumcraft stone blocks via the new Hourglass of Nostalgia crafttweaker functionality, I noticed an issue where they don't take into account metadata- any block with a matching ID will be converted, regardless of metadata, causing JEI to display the recipe in a misleading way.

For example, this script here:
HourglassConversion.addRecipe(<thaumcraft:stone_ancient_glyphed>, <extrautils2:decorativesolid:3>);
... should be using the Extra Utilities block 'Stoneburnt' as the input (which is 'decorativesolid:3'), however instead the new recipe appears in JEI with the input as 'Border Stone' (which is actually 'decorativesolid:0'):


Testing it out, it seems that the Hourglass is ignoring the metadata entirely, accepting any block that matches <extrautils2:decorativesolid:*>:



try downloading the latest mod version and see if it works


Can confirm metadata matching is now working as expected! Many thanks!