Unique Enchantments - Utils

Unique Enchantments - Utils


[Question] How can i set vitae's hp custom

wibonsue opened this issue · 10 comments


Hello there is a server called GamiFun and they using your mod and i have a question
When i put Vitae 5 to my armor it gives 20hp on their server
But when i try it on my server with same version of the mod it gives me only 5 hp
how can i set hp giving amount of vitae like them ?


Read the config file. Everything is configurable.


Where is config file ?


config folder --> ue --> UE.toml

on the github wiki you'll find all the necessary informations, like the formula of said Enchantment.
And with the config you can then customize it.


What should i change here to make hp 20
(im sorry if im being annoying but i cant read wiki my english is really bad)


Vitae works based on how many XP levels you currently have, and is going to scale against that.

so, reasonably, you're only getting 5hp on your server because, unlike your singleplayer test, you have less XP there than you did on singleplayer.

raise your player's level to increase the health boost.

read the wiki for more specifics.


bro i have 6600 LvL in my server i dont think the point is lvls cuz it doesnt matter what level you are on GamiFun server


@wibonsue do you want to have 20 HP when having 4x Vitae 5, or when only a single Vitae 5 applied?


İ want each vitae piece gives 20hp like
when i put my vitea 5 boots it gives 20
with helmet +20 more total 80 with all piece
Only single vitae 5 gives 20hp


İ want each vitae piece gives 20hp like when i put my vitea 5 boots it gives 20 with helmet +20 more total 80 with all piece Only single vitae 5 gives 20hp

What you're asking for completely missed the point of the balance for said Enchantment.
Change "BaseBoost" to 97033038 and there you have it


Yess thanks you