Unique Enchantments - Utils

Unique Enchantments - Utils


i cant found ameliorated sharpness's enchant id

wibonsue opened this issue ยท 16 comments


Hello i need to find ameliorated sharpness's enchant i tried /enchant and looked all enchants there but literally there was every any other enchants other than ameliorated sharpness what is ameliorated sharpness's enchant id or how do i look ?


if 1.19.2 is not correct simply switch to the mc version you use, the classpath is the same.


its 1.16.5 how can i get it to my inventory with /enchant command?
/enchant ameliorated_sharpness didnt worked


/enchant uniquee_ameliorated_sharpness also this and /enchant uniquee:ameliorated_sharpness this didnt worked to


@Xaikii your turn... Layer 8 issue


/enchant PLAYERNAME uniquee:all


let me try real quick


It said you are not holding any item and when i tried to hold some enchanted book it said enchanted books cannot be support that enchant or something what should i do ? @Xaikii


a typical PICNIC issue, TL:DR RTFM


It said you are not holding any item and when i tried to hold some enchanted book it said enchanted books cannot be support that enchant or something what should I do ? @Xaikii

That command is used to enchantment an item that can take that Enchantment.

To give yourself an enchanted book with an Enchantment:
/give @p enchanted_book{StoredEnchantments:[{id:'enchantmentIDhere',lvl:5}]} 1


2023-09-18_22 57 01
it said same error again :/

It said you are not holding any item and when i tried to hold some enchanted book it said enchanted books cannot be support that enchant or something what should I do ? @Xaikii

That command is used to enchantment an item that can take that Enchantment.

To give yourself an enchanted book with an Enchantment: /give @p enchanted_book{StoredEnchantments:[{id:'enchantmentIDhere',lvl:5}]} 1


/give @p enchanted_book{StoredEnchantments:[{id:'uniquee:all',lvl:5}]} 1
Use this command exactly


NVM, issue on my side:
/give @p enchanted_book{StoredEnchantments:[{id:'uniquee:ameliorated_sharpness',lvl:5}]} 1


If this doesnt work, then something is wrong on your side


no it just gives me normal enchanted book and every other uniquee enchants like vitae or something i can get them from /give but all "Ameliorated" enchants like ameliorated sharpness,ameliorated smite, Ameliorated bane of arthropod not showing on /enchant i can get any other enchants from uniquee but only ameliorated ones cant.

NVM, issue on my side: /give @p enchanted_book{StoredEnchantments:[{id:'uniquee:ameliorated_sharpness',lvl:5}]} 1


oh this one worked thanks.

/give @p enchanted_book{StoredEnchantments:[{id:'uniquee:all',lvl:5}]} 1 Use this command exactly