Universal Grid

Universal Grid


Inventory and grid get scrambled, fluid grid mode doesn't work

Brycey92 opened this issue ยท 5 comments


With RS 1.9.16 and RS Addons 0.7.4, opening the Universal Grid causes the player inventory to become scrambled until a relog, and the item grid also becomes scrambled, displaying the wrong items with the wrong quantities. Additionally, the fluid grid mode just displays the item grid.


Log? And are you on server?


I have similar issiue, with crafting grid mode I have doubled tool bar, and sometimes some random items are placed in crafting area. Fluid grid does not work. I am playing on all the mods 6 server


Yes, this is on a server. Here are logs where I reproduced the issues. I started reproducing the issue at
[12:18:44] [Render thread/INFO]: [CHAT] Gave 1 [Chargepad] to Brycey92
on the client and finished when I said "test complete" in chat (the next line in the client's log.)
server logs.zip
client latest.zip


On singleplayer, same versions. This makes the items displayed in the universal grid very jumpy. Like the sorting is going back on itself. Especially the fluid grid, where items are added too.
