Almost all UCW (UnlimitedChiselWorks) blocks do not exist.
MagmaBro123 opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Other mods that have compatibility are loaded, such as BetterNether, and TerraFirmaCraft (Which its respective addon is loaded as well).
BetterNether-1.12.2-, BiomesOPlenty-1.12.2-, Quark-r1.6-182, UnlimitedChiselWorks-0.3.5, UnlimitedChiselWorks-TFC1-0.1.1 and Forge 2854 (2855 does exist, but FoamFix shits itself on 55).
Do note that I am technically using a fork of BetterNether and Quark that's mainly designed for the RotN (Rebirth of the Night) Modpack, but both of these are publicly available on Curse. They don't add/remove/change much, all they do is fix certain issues and add more config options. Simply read their pages for info.
Otherwise, mod's pretty much pointless unless this is fixed.