Untamed Wilds

Untamed Wilds


Tortoise crashing server

AngelTiramisu opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Describe the bug
Player joins near Tortoise, server crashes

Crash Log
If applicable, include a crash log through a text sharing service [eg. pastebin]

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Version (please complete the following information):


He has provided me with his crash log


There's nothing in the code that could cause a mob's Variant to overflow, so I'd like to know more information. The only case that could cause this would be messing with NBT and/or datapacks in an existing world

Where does this crashing Tortoise come from? Did it spawn from a burrow, an Egg, is it a Tortoise you picked up and placed or did you take it from the Creative inventory?

I'd like to know the source of the problem, but for what's worth, the next version already includes a failsafe where mobs with impossible NBT data get clamped back within bounds when loaded, but don't expect anything soon


Does it crash on load-in, or did it only happen once? Is the Burrows config option enabled (default) or disabled? Since I got no information on the subject, I'm going to guess that this crash just happened without any player input, and is not the result of trying to spawn a mob/egg.

My suggestion would be to use some world edition software to clear the chunk in question from entities and "untamedwilds:burrow" blocks, since it will be a while until the fix makes its way into a stable release

Entity's Exact location: 4273.50, 70.00, 9061.50
Entity's Block location: World: (4273,70,9061), Section: (at 1,6,5 in 267,4,566; chunk contains blocks 4272,-64,9056 to 4287,319,9071), Region: (8,17; contains chunks 256,544 to 287,575, blocks 4096,-64,8704 to 4607,319,9215)

I don't have much knowledge in world-edition tools and/or server management, so hopefully these pointers will allow you to temporarily fix it.


Added fallback for invalid variants on NBT load, should be fixed