Untamed Wilds

Untamed Wilds


Disconnecting on multiplayer

MosquitoGaming opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Hi, i'm playing on a modded server with friends, when we try to explore far away from spawn and new chunks generate, sometimes it just disconnects who is loading the new terrain, the server console leaves this message:
[Worker-Main-1/ERROR] [minecraft/Util]: Detected setBlock in a far chunk [-286, -67], pos: BlockPos{x=-4575, y=65, z=-1071}, status: minecraft:features, currently generating: Placed Direct{Configured: untamedwilds.world.gen.feature.FeatureReedClusters@1acef3e3: net.minecraft.world.level.levelgen.feature.configurations.NoneFeatureConfiguration@29ab0bf2}
Also when it disconnects us it leaves this:
[Server thread/INFO] [un.UntamedWilds/]: Firing player login event
Before that it says something about my user "logged in with entity id 54865 at (-5043.241369231471, 68.1212968405392, -1184.0855331239623)"
Does anybody know how i can fix this?