Untamed Wilds

Untamed Wilds


mobs can't seem to swim in water in my modpack

Thunderrock424242 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


they just swim in place it looks like i will show a pic that i caught a bear doing
Screenshot 2023-12-15 111447


I've been having the same issue. After finding, taming, and raising a Spitter, it got stuck trying to cross a small river and drowned. Afterward, I managed to find a male and female Spitter that I hoped would mate, but neither of them can move. They're both stuck in puddles doing this:
GIF 5-9-2024 4-52-16 PM


Not just the modpack its the mod as well for me too


Did any of yall find a fix to this? this mod seems to be abandoned and i really wanted to fix this water AI thing