Untamed Wilds

Untamed Wilds


Are you updating the mod, are you okay, or taking a break?

Joel1234545 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Thought I would do a welfare check on you since you haven't updated my favorite mod since 3 months ago, @RayTrace082


Hey there, thank you for asking (and what a coincidence, since I haven't looked at the github in a while)

I am doing perfectly fine, but being on a full-time job plus holidays and personal life has slowed down progress a lot, I plan to continue updating the mod in the future, but for now, I'll be on a break


That's good you are doing alright and take as much time as you need and enjoy life man, because it could be short and thank you for responding back.


Also I know I shouldn't be giving suggestions or anything, and you don't have to take them but it would be cool if the animals couldn't breed with their parents/siblings or there could be a potion or shot to make them stop breeding like neutering basically.


Also I know I shouldn't be giving suggestions or anything, and you don't have to take them but it would be cool if the animals couldn't breed with their parents/siblings or there could be a potion or shot to make them stop breeding like neutering basically.

As screwed up as it sounds, that happens in nature and captivity.