Untamed Wilds

Untamed Wilds


Untamed Wilds render crash

Artha-Demon opened this issue ยท 0 comments


I keep getting a rendering error crash. It has happened both with big cats and with boars, it is the same error. It seems random, I can load back in ok after it errors most of the time.

Forge Version: 47.3.1
Minecraft Version: 1.20.1

I do have Embeddium and Oculus installed, and am using shaders. I have a few mods in there that help keep the game running smooth by only rendering what you are looking at as well as killing entities that are throwing errors when ticking to avoid crashes. There are a lot of other mods in there, but I only saw fit to mention the ones that effect rendering.

I ran the log through ChatGPT because it's pretty good at picking out what is erroring

This is the information from the crash log given to me by ChatGPT:

The crash is caused by a ClassCastException indicating that the ModelBoar class from the Untamed Wilds mod is being incorrectly cast to the PlayerModel class from Minecraft. This is happening during the rendering process for the boar entity.

java.lang.ClassCastException: class untamedwilds.client.model.ModelBoar cannot be cast to class net.minecraft.client.model.PlayerModel (untamedwilds.client.model.ModelBoar is in module [email protected] of loader 'TRANSFORMER' @48186ba8; net.minecraft.client.model.PlayerModel is in module [email protected] of loader 'TRANSFORMER' @48186ba8)

This indicates a problem within the Untamed Wilds mod, specifically in the RendererBoar class, which is attempting to cast its model to the PlayerModel class incorrectly.