Untitled Duck Mod (Fabric)

Untitled Duck Mod (Fabric)


Wander Feature/Domestication Innovation Compat

CeramicSwans opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Would love to give my geese and ducks the free will to wander wherever they like instead of just staying in one spot for all eternity :(
It's become a lot more popular with a lot of newer mods to be able to cycle between sit, stay and wander with tamed mobs where they can walk around without teleporting to you or following you. I have domestication innovation downloaded and unfortunately the ability to make tamed pets wander doesn't apply to tamed ducks and geese. very sad.

Is there anything I can do in the meantime to let these souls roam freely!! Lmk. I want to make a pond for them to do whatever their little ducky hearts desire