Untitled Duck Mod (Forge)

Untitled Duck Mod (Forge)



Paspartout opened this issue ยท 1 comments

  • Duck Variant Textures
  • Scale ducklings and apply duckling texture and remove wings
  • Duck Eggs like chicken eggs?
  • Ducks drop duck meat?
  • Add spawning similar to chickens?
  • Sounds
  • Better swimming behaviour
    • Faster swimming on both fabric and forge
  • Flapping like chickens
  • Foxes and wolves eat them
    • Find a way to make that on forge and fabric and not crash(I tried mixins, but they crash randomly on forge)


  • Duckling AI; make them follow one of the parents in a single file-line
    • Probably not worth it since there is breeding cooldown?
  • Make them tame-able (what would they be used for)?
    • You can sit them down like parrots, but probably not put them on your shoulders(maybe on head?). Maybe ducklings on shoulders :)
  • Maybe when they dive there is a chance the come up with seeds in there beak (They then will eat them, but if you kill them before they eat it you can also get some seeds)?
    • The eating should not trigger breeding though. Would make duck farms trivial.

Hello, it is a neat mod, nicely animated, but the duck's beak seems a bit odd,, I think they shouldn't extent all the way with their head, and maybe smaller. <3