Untitled Duck Mod (Forge)

Untitled Duck Mod (Forge)


[Bug?]Unable to spawn entities with InControl mod

pwigary opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Describe the bug
Hi, I'm using this mod with the mod "InControl", it has function to let you spawn mobs within certain condition which player specified. I copied one of their rule structures, in this case I'm using the "custom spawner" from their wiki (bottom of the page). And I'm unable to spawn mobs from this mod. I can spawn mobs from vanilla, quark and alex's mobs. The only line I changed between those are the "mobs", which is the mob's ID. As soon as I change them to untitledduckmod:duck or goose, there is no effect in the world. I supposed there is something special about their ID?(maybe) I can use the /summon command no problem, just unable to spawn them via the InControl mod.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Use superflat world

  1. Use "custom spawner" from InControl
  2. Specify rules to spawn entity from this mod
  3. Reload the game
  4. There is no entity spawning

Expected behavior
Entities should spawn under the specify condition like other entities.

Additional context


Update: It was an unknown problem related to Forge version, I was using 36.1.13. and encountered some issue with the world generation. So I downgraded it to Forge 36.1.2 and the entities are spawning as indented! So there's no problem with the mod.